NCPI CONNECT serves as the gateway that connects you with training solutions that address the unique needs and ever-changing demands placed on public safety.
Discover why thousands of practitioners trust the NCPI Training Experience.
Browse NCPI's library of on-demand eLearning courses designed to support your professional development.
Explore resources that enhance your training experience.
Engage with public safety colleagues in NCPI's members-only supportive national networks for its major programs.
NCPI CONNECT, our premier learning hub, has replaced the NCPI eLearn Center, our legacy platform.
Previously Registered Users: User accounts have been migrated to NCPI CONNECT, which includes basic contact information associated with the user profile.
Training History: Training history will not be migrated. Should you need access to training information on courses you completed prior to April 1, 2024, please contact us at and our team will assist you.
Should you encounter any difficulties while trying to create an account or enroll in a course, email our team at This inbox is monitored during normal business hours.